
Wonder to know whether the way is correct ?

It's the third day in wistron. After finish the breakfast, there is image in my brain suddendly. I were a Technical Support for network equipment in Accton. Because I was a very bit tired in my rutine job day by day so that I transfer to Product Egineer in Wistron.

As I know PE is respons for handle from project imcoming to shipping. We need go through all phase to be smooth.

我確診了COVID-19 怎麼會?

 一直自認為天選之人的我,終究還是感染COVID-19,  我是怎麼感染上的? 應該是家人之間互相傳染的 感染上有什麼症狀? 初期會覺得喉嚨怪怪地,然後一症狀就會愈來愈明顯 看診有哪些步驟? 先打電話到診所說有快篩陽,要約視訊看診,先西醫看診並上傳給衛生局,拿到居隔單,掛中醫申請...